3/20/2011 Southeast Louisiana Bull reds

Today was a really good fishing trip .Not because the fish bit any different from the last few days ,but cause I had some friends in town that I haven’t seen in a few years . Trey and Marty flew in from Texas to spend the weekend with friends and family. Their...

March 17, 2011 Barataria Bull Reds

Today I had the pleasure of fishing Mr. Mike Parker from Oklahoma. He had never caught a red fish before so i took him out to the pass and we hammered the big bull reds the whole trip. The weather has been excellent and the big fish have been cooperating. We caught...

March 10, 2011 Red fish in the box

Today I fished Mr. Steve Gruber , his son Chase ,and his friend Alex from Minnisota .The morning started off slow and cold with a cold front blowing 20 mph ,not the ideal conditions for fishing . After searching around a little we got on some fish and put 11 nice reds...